Apologies for the non-DSLR quality photo, this was an impromptu outfit post idea. As you can see, the only pop of colour happening here is from the bright yellow callipers on my friend's car...
I find myself being asked often why I'm never seen in track pants or looking 'undone', the poor soul that was kind enough to give me a compliment is usually then faced with a 30 minute review on wardrobe staples and why monochrome works all day, everyday and with everything (I promise this won't be that long or tedious). It would not be a stretch to say that, monochrome and black on black are my most worn and loved trends and have effectively adapted themselves into a uniform of sorts.
This, somewhat intuitive, idea of sticking to the simplest shapes, styles and colours that suit ones self best, seemed boring and restrictive at first; it was not until I saw Harper and Harley, the brilliant blog by the eternally stylish Sara Donaldson, that this idea grew on me. I adapted this theory a little to develop a game plan for future shopping trips that involved not necessarily jumping on every trend that comes my way, but rather picking and choosing items that can multitask. Generally, save up and invest in pieces that are neutral in colour and style (i.e. will not date quickly) and look for affordable options if you like a passing trend. If you follow me on Instagram and Pinterest, you'll know that I have a little fixation on monochrome and anything black, leather or both so I will happily spend a little more on these sorts of clothes, shoes, bags and the like. Stay tuned for a proper outfit post soon!